////Chapter 13 Steam Engines ////Example 13.10 Page No 290 ///Find Indicated power of steam engine //Input data clc; clear; IP=343; //Steam engine develop indicated power in Kw N=180; //power In rpm P1=15; //Steam supplied i bar Pb=1.25; //Steam is exhausted in bar rc=100/25; //Cut-off take place of stroke K=0.78; //Diagram factor //x=L/D=4/3 x=4/3; //Stroke to bore ratio pi=3.142; //Calculation Pm=((P1/rc)*(1+log(rc))-Pb); //Therotical mean effective pressure Pm Pma=Pm*K; //Actual mean effective pressure Pma D=(((60000*IP)/(2*(Pma*10^5)*(4/3)*N))/(pi/4))^(1/3);//Indicated power of steam engine A=((pi/4)*(D^2)); L=(x)*D; //Output printf('Therotical mean effective pressure= %f bar \n',Pm); printf('Actual mean effective pressure=%f bar \n',Pma); printf('Indicated power of steam engine=%f mm \n',D); printf('Indicated power of steam engine= %f mm \n',L);