// A Textbook of Fluid Mecahnics and Hydraulic Machines - By R K Bansal // Chapter 1-Properties of Fluid // Problem 1.5 //Given Data Set in the Problem Area=1500000/(1000)^2 //Area in m^2 du=0.4 dy=0.15/1000 //Distance between the plates In metres visc=1/10 //In SI Units of Ns/m^2 //Calulations //Force required to maintain that speed ss=visc*(du/dy) //ss is the shear stress Force=ss*Area //Force required= Shear stress * Area mprintf("The Force required to maintain the speed is %f N\n",Force) //Power required Power=Force*du //Power =(Force)*(Speed at which the plate has to be kept moving) mprintf("The Power required to maintain the speed is %f W\n ",Power)