// calculate axial velocity ,flow rate ,exit blade angle,eulers power // ex 7.2 pgno. 170 clc D1=2 // m Dh=0.8 // m N=250 //rpm alpha1 =42 // degree beta1=148// degree D=(D1+Dh)/2 // diameter g=9.8 mprintf('\n D= %f m',D) u=(%pi*D*N)/60 // peripherical velocity of blade mprintf('\n u =%f m/s',u) a=(180-148) //area disp(a) d=a*18.3 // diameter disp(tan(d)) vlw=(tand(42)+tand(32)) disp(vlw) Vlw=tand(d)/vlw disp(Vlw) vlw=7.5 vf=vlw*tand(alpha1) // inlet trangle of velocities mprintf('\n Vf = %f m/s',vf) Q=(%pi/4)*((D1^2-Dh^2)*vf) // flow rate mprintf('\n Q = %f m3/s',Q) E=(u*vlw)/g // euler's head mprintf('\n Euler s Head E =%f m',E) Ep=(9800*Q*E)/1000 // eulers power mprintf('\n Eulers power = %e W',Ep) b2=vf/u mprintf('\n b2 = %f Degree',atand(b2))