// a pelton wheel hydraulic efficiency and over all efficiency // ex 5.3 pgno. 117 clc D=1.45 // diameter of the wheel N=375 // shaft running u=(%pi*D*N)/60 // peripheral velocity k=0.9 // coefficient of the bucket p=3750 //peripherial velocity hf=200*0.1 // head availabe mprintf('\n peripherial velocity u =%f m/s',u) mprintf('\n Total Head = %d m',hf) h1=200 // total head l=20 // losses H=h1-l //effective head g=9.8 // gravity mprintf('\n effective head H = %d m',H) V1=sqrt(2*g*H) // velocity of the jet mprintf('\n velocity of the jet V1= %f m/s',V1) S=u/V1 // speed ratio mprintf('\n Speed Ratio =u/V1= %f',S) nh=2*((S)*(1-S)*(1-k*cosd(165))) // hydraulic efficiency mprintf('\n Hydraulic efficiency nh= %f percentage',(nh*100)) E=(u/g)*(V1-u)*(1-(k*cosd(165))) // euler's head mprintf('\n E =%f m',E) no=k*nh // realation between mprintf('\n Relation between n0= %f',no) hp=p/no // hydraulic power mprintf('\n hydraulic power = %d kw',hp) gamma1=9800 // constant gamma Q=(1000*hp)/(2*gamma1*H) // flow rate mprintf('\n Flow rate Q = %f m3/s',Q) d=sqrt((4*Q)/(%pi*V1)) // diameter mprintf('\n d = %f m',d)