//Book Name: Fundamentals of electrical drives by Mohamad A. El- Sharkawi //chapter 7 //example 7.1 //edition 1 //publisher and place:Nelson Engineering clc; clear; V=480;//terminal voltage in volt p=6;//number of poles f=60;//frequency in hertz Pout=30*746;//rated output voltage in volts R1=0.5;//stator resistance in ohm R2=0.5;//rotor resistance reffered to stator in ohm Protational=500;//rotational loss in watt Pcu=600;//core losses in watt c=0.05;//cost of energy t1=100;//time which the motor operates in a week Pd=Pout+Protational;//developed power in watt a=1;// the s^2 value from the equation s^2-s+0.039 b=-1;//the s value from the equation s^2-s+0.039 c=0.039;//the constant value from the equation s^2-s+0.039 s1=(-(b)+sqrt((b)^2-(4*a*c)))/(2*a); s2=(-(b)-sqrt((b)^2-(4*a*c)))/(2*a);//roots to find the value of s from the equation s^2-s+0.03 s=s2;//s1 is very large hence neglected thus slip=s2 a1=120;//constant value in the formula ns=(a1*f)/p;//synchronous speed in rpm n=ns*(1-s); mprintf("\nThe speed of the motor is %d rpm",n) I2=sqrt((Pd*s)/(3*R2*(1-s)));//motor current in amps Pwinding=3*I2^(2)*(R1+R2); Pin=Pd+Pwinding+Pcu; eta=Pout/Pin;//efficiency of the motor eta=eta*100;//efficiency in percentage mprintf("\nThe efficiency of the motor without added resistance is %d percentage",eta) nnew=0.8*n;//speed after 20% reduction snew=(ns-nnew)/ns; rmsnew=nnew/60;//speed in rps omegadnew=(2*%pi*rmsnew); rps=n/60;//speed in rps omega=(2*%pi*rps); Pdnew=(Pd*omegadnew)/omega; Radd=R2*((snew-s)/s);//resistance added to reduce 20% of the speed mprintf("\nThe resistance added to reduce 20 percentage of the speed is %f ohm",Radd) I2new=sqrt((Pdnew*snew)/(3*(R2+Radd)*(1-snew))) Pwindingnew=3*I2^(2)*(R1+R2+Radd); Pinnew=Pdnew+Pwindingnew+Pcu; Poutnew=Pdnew-Protational; etanew=Poutnew/Pinnew; etanew=etanew*100; mprintf("\nThe efficiency of the motor with added resistance is %d percentage",etanew) Padd=3*I2^(2)*Radd; Padd=Padd*10^(-3); t=100*52;//total hours of operation in one year C=Padd*t*c; mprintf("\nThe annual cost of the operating motor is $%f",C) //The answer may vary due to roundoff error