//Book name: Fundamentals of electrical drives by Mohamad A. El- Sharkawi //chapter 3 //example 3.16 //edition 1 //publisher and place:Nelson Engineering clc; clear; Vdc=250; Vs=208;//line to line ac voltage R=3;//system resistance between battery bank and source in ohm Beta=122; Vmax=(sqrt(2)*Vs)/sqrt(3); mprintf("\na.To calculate minimum triggering angle and associated conduction period:") alphamin=60-asind(Vdc/(sqrt(3)*Vmax)); alphamin=ceil(alphamin); gama=Beta-alphamin; mprintf("\nThe minimum triggering angle is %d degree and the associated time period is %d degree",alphamin,gama) mprintf("\nTo compute the average charging current for the minimum triggering angle:") VR=Vdc+(((9*Vmax)/(2*%pi))*cosd(alphamin+150)); l=((9*Vmax)/(2*%pi))*cosd(alphamin+150); IRave=VR/R; mprintf("\nThe average charging current of minimum triggering angle is %f A",IRave) //The answers vary due to round off error