//Book name: Fundamentals of electrical drives by Mohamad A. El- Sharkawi //chapter 3 //example 3.14 //edition 1 //publisher and place:Nelson Engineering clc; clear; Vs=110; //source voltage in volts Vdc=150; //DC voltage in volts Vm=Vs*2^(1/2); //maximum voltage in volts a=90; //triggering angle in degree R=1; //resistance in ohm theta=asind(Vdc/Vm); theta1=75; //approximated value of theta in degree B=180-theta1; //The value of bete gama=B-a; //conduction period in degree VRrms=((Vdc^(2)*gama/180)+((Vm^(2)/(2*%pi))*(gama*(%pi/180)-(sind(2*B)-sind(2*a))/2)-((2*Vdc*Vm)/%pi)*(cosd(a)-cosd(B))))^(1/2); Icrms=VRrms/R; //rms current mprintf("\nThe rms current delivered to the battery during charging is %f ampere",Icrms) mprintf("\nTo find the power delivered to the battery during charging:") a1=((Vm/(R*%pi))*(((1-cosd(2*B))/2)-((1-cosd(2*a))/2)))-(((2*Vdc)/(R*%pi))*(sind(B)-sind(a))); b1=((Vm/(R*%pi))*(gama*(%pi/180)+((sind(2*a)-sind(2*B))/2)))-(((2*Vdc)/(R*%pi))*(cosd(a)-cosd(B))); pie1=atand(a1/b1); I1crms=sqrt(a1^2+b1^2)/sqrt(2); Ps=Vs*I1crms*cosd(pie1); Ploss=Icrms*R; Pcharge=Ps-Ploss; mprintf("\nThe power delivered to the battery during charging is %f degree",Pcharge)