//Chapter 03: Algorithms clc; clear; function []= binarysearch (arr ,n ,i) last =1; h=n; while (last <= h ) mid = int (( last + h ) /2) ; if ( arr ( mid ) == i ) printf ( "\nElement:%d found at position %d",i ,mid) ; break ; else if ( arr ( mid ) >i ) h = mid -1; else last = mid +1; end end end endfunction //Note:input array has to be sorted ar =[1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 22] l=length(ar) disp (ar , " Given array " ) ; binarysearch (ar ,l ,19) //Note:input format for function is (array,length,element to be searched)