//Book Name:Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering //Author:Rajendra Prasad //Publisher: PHI Learning Private Limited //Edition:Third ,2014 //Ex8_2.sce clc; clear; p=4; s=30; c=90; Cs=2*c; printf("\n Number of coil sides=%d \n",Cs) Cs_per_slot=Cs/s; printf("\n Number of coil sides per slot=%d \n",Cs_per_slot) Yb1=Cs/p+2; //Winding is not split Yb2=Cs/p-2; //Winding is split Yb=Yb2; printf("\n Back pitch=%d \n",Yb) Cs1=1+Yb; Cs3=3+Yb; Cs5=5+Yb; //Top coil sides 1,3,5 are in in slot,while all the corresponding bottom coil sides 44,46,48 are in slot 8.