//Book Name:Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering //Author:Rajendra Prasad //Publisher: PHI Learning Private Limited //Edition:Third ,2014 //Ex3_15.sce clc; clear; V1=complex(12,0); //current source and its parallel impedance gives the voltage source V2=complex(5*cosd(-30),5*sind(-30))*complex(6,-3); //for loop1 , the coefficient of I1 ,I2 and source is given below a1=complex(10+6,15); b1=-complex(10,15); c1=V1; //for loop2 , the coefficient of I1 ,I2 and source is given below a2=-complex(10,15); b2=complex(19,12); c2=-V2; del2=det([a1 c1;a2 c2]); del=det([a1 b1;a2 b2]); I2=del2/del; I2_mag=sqrt(real(I2)^2+imag(I2)^2); I2_ang=atand(imag(I2)/real(I2))+180; printf("\n Current through the 3 ohm resistor=%1.3f angle:%3.2f degree \n",I2_mag,I2_ang)