//Book Name:Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering //Author:Rajendra Prasad //Publisher: PHI Learning Private Limited //Edition:Third ,2014 //Ex10_4.sce clc; clear; f=50; p=4; V=400; E2=190; R1=0.5; X1=2.5; R2=0.06; X2=0.3; printf("\n (a)") Ns=(120*f)/p; printf("\n Synchronous speed=%d r.p.m \n",Ns) printf("\n (b)") s=(R2/X2)*100; printf("\n Slip at which maximum torque occurs=%d percentage \n",s) printf("\n (c)") E=E2/sqrt(3); Ir=(s*E)/(sqrt(2)*R2*100); pf=1/sqrt(2); Pi=sqrt(3)*E2*Ir*pf; P0=(1-s/100)*Pi; Tm=Pi/(2*%pi*Ns/60); printf("\n Maximum Torque=%3.2f synchronous watt \n",Tm) printf("\n (d)") Tfl=(1/2)*Tm; //(2/1)=(R2^2+sf^2*X2^2)/(2*X2*R2*sf) //From this equation we get sf^2-0.8*sf+0.04=0; a=1; b=-0.8;//a,b,c are coefficient values taken from the above second order equation c=0.04; sf=(-b-sqrt(b^2-(4*a*c)))/(2*a); sf_percentage=sf*100; Nf=Ns*(1-sf); Pf=2*%pi*(Nf/60)*Tfl; printf("\n Full load torque=%3.2f synchronous watt",Tfl) printf("\n Full load slip=%1.1f percentage",sf_percentage) printf("\n Speed at full load=%d r.p.m",Nf) printf("\n Power output=%2.2f kW \n",Pf/1000) //Answer vary dueto round off error printf("\n (e)") f_at_fullload=sf*f; printf("\n The rotor frequency at full load=%1.1f Hz",f_at_fullload)