//Caption:Find (a)induced emf at full load (b)power developed (c)torque developed (d)applied torque (e)efficiency (f)external resistance in feild winding (g)voltage regulation //Exa:5.5 clc; clear; close; N_m=600;//speed of rotor (in rpm) R_a=0.01;//armature resistance (in ohms) R_fw=30;//feild winding resistance(in ohms) V_f=120;// voltage of external source (in volts) N_f=500;//no. of turns per pole P_r=10000;//in watts V_t=240;//terminal voltage (in volts) P_o=240*10^3;//rated power (in watts) I_L=P_o/V_t;//load current I_a=I_L;//armature current E_afl=V_t+(I_a*R_a);//refer to eqn:5.27 disp(E_afl,'(a) induced emf at full load (in Volts)='); P_d=E_afl*I_a; disp(P_d,'(b) power developed (in watts)='); W_m=(2*%pi*N_m)/60;//angular velocity (Refer to Eqn:5.5&5.6) T_d=P_d/W_m; disp(T_d,'(c) torque developed (in Newton-meter)='); P_inm=P_d+P_r;//mechanical power input T_s=P_inm/W_m; disp(T_s,'(d) Applied torque (in Newton-meter)='); //Refer fig:5.21 (magnetization curve) I_f=2.5;//effective feild current mmf=(2.5*N_f)+(0.25*I_a);//total mmf I_fa=mmf/N_f;//actual feild current P_in=P_inm+(V_f*I_fa);//total power input Eff=(P_o/P_in)*100; disp(Eff,'(e) efficiency (%)='); R_f=V_f/I_fa; R_fx=R_f-R_fw; disp(R_fx,'(f) external resistance in feild winding (in ohms)='); VR=((266-V_t)/V_t)*100;//Refer to fig:5.21 disp(VR,'(g) voltage regulation (%)=');