//Find the (a) induced emf in the armature (b) power output (c) shaft torque (d) efficiency //Exa:10.5 clc; clear; close; V_s=120;//in Volts P_rot=80;//rotational loss (in Watts) N_m=8000;//speed of motor (in rpm) pf=0.912;//lagging theta=-acosd(pf); I_a=17.58*(cosd(theta)+(%i*sind(theta)));//in Amperes Z_s=0.65+%i*1.2;//series field winding impedance (in ohms) Z_a=1.36+%i*1.6;//armature winding impedance (in ohms) E_a=V_s-I_a*(Z_s+Z_a);//induced emf (in Volts) disp(abs(E_a),'(a) induced emf in the armature (in Volts)='); disp(atand(imag(E_a)/real(E_a)),'phase of induced emf in the armature (in Degree)='); P_d=real(E_a*conj(I_a)); P_o=P_d-P_rot; disp(P_o,'(b) power output (in Watts)='); w_m=2*%pi*N_m/60;//rated speed of motor (in rad/sec) T_s=P_o/w_m; disp(T_s,'(c) shaft torque (in Newton-meter)='); P_in=V_s*abs(I_a)*pf; Eff=P_o*100/P_in; disp(Eff,'(d) Efficiency (%)=');