clear; clc; S=3000; l=2000; f=50; //for case a D=l/f; Dpu=D/S; mprintf("load frequency parameter is %.3f MW/Hz\n",D); r=2; betaa=Dpu+1/r; mprintf("ARFC Parameter is %.4f pu MW/Hz\n",betaa); ld=25; ldemand=ld/S; fd=-(ldemand/betaa); mprintf("Static Frequency Drop is %.4f Hz\n",fd); //for case b s1=5000; beta1=betaa/S*s1; mprintf("ARFC Parameter on base of 5000MW is %.4f pu MW/Hz\n",beta1); sb=10000; delp1=ld/sb; delp2=0; beeta=betaa/S*sb; beeta1=beta1/s1*sb; sf=-(delp1/(beeta+beeta1)); tp=-(beeta1*delp1*sb)/(beeta+beeta1); mprintf("Static frequency drop for command base of 10000MW is %.5f Hz\n",sf); mprintf("Tie line power in %.4f MW\n",tp); perf=sf/fd*100; mprintf("Static frequency drop in control area 1 in pool operation is %.3f percentage\n",perf); mprintf("Control area 2 supplies 50 percent of the load increase");