// SAMPLE PROBLEM 7/9 clc;funcprot(0); // Given data t=4;// s theta=20;// degree p=(2*%pi)/4;// rad/s // Calculation // (a) // I_zz=(56/3)*mr^2; // I_xx=(32/3)*mr^2; // By using coefficient of I_xx and I_zz I=56/3;// The moment of inertia I_0=32/3;// The moment of inertia costheta=1;// radian n=I/((I_0-I)*costheta);// The ratio of angular rates // (b) tau=((2*%pi)/p)*abs(((I_0-I)/I)*cosd(theta));// s beta=atand((I/I_0)*tand(theta));// degree printf("\n(a)The number of complete cycles,n=%1.2f \n The minus sign indicates retrograde precession where, in the present case,and p are essentially of opposite sense. Thus, the station will make seven wobbles for every three revolutions. \n(b)The period of precession,tau=%1.3f s",n,tau);