// SAMPLE PROBLEM 6/11 clc;funcprot(0); // Given data m=30;// kg k=0.100;// m m_OB=10;// kg m_c=7;// kg K=30;// kN/m theta=45;// degree l=0.375;// m g=9.81;// m/s^2 // Calculation // (a) // T_2=[2*((1/2)*I_G*omega^2]+[(1/2)*m*v^2]; // T_2= 6.83*v_B^2; T_1=0;// J l_b=l/sqrt(2);// m V_1=(2*m_OB*g*(l_b/2))+(m_c*g*l_b);// J V_2=0;// J U_12=0;// J v_B=sqrt(((T_1+V_1+U_12)-(V_2))/6.83);// m/s // (b) T_3=0;// J U_13=0;// J function[X]=deformation(y) X(1)=(T_1+V_1+U_13)-(T_3+((-2*m_OB*g*(y(1)/2))-(m_c*g*y(1))+((1/2)*K*10^3*y(1)^2))); endfunction y=[10]; z=fsolve(y,deformation); x=z(1)*1000;// mm printf("\n(a)The velocity of the collar as it first strikes the spring,v_B=%1.2f m/s \n(b)The maximum deformation of the spring,x=%2.1f mm",v_B,x);