clc P=5e+5//rated power output in Watts P1=25e+4// power at half rated torque f=50//frequency in Hz If=10//rated firld current in amp Xs=10//reactance in ohm p=4//no.of poles Vl=33e+2//line voltage in volts N1=1500 //Solution Vph=Vl/sqrt(3)//phase voltage in volts Is=P/(sqrt(3)*Vl*0.8)//Current in amp theta1=acosd(0.8) E=Vph-(-%i*Xs*(Is*(%i*sind(theta1)+cosd(theta1)))) y=imag(E) x=real(E) Er=sqrt((y^2)+(x^2)) theta2=atand(y/x) Ia=Is E2=Vph+(%i*Ia*Xs) y2=imag(E2) x2=real(E2) Er2=sqrt((y2^2)+(x2^2)) theta3=atand(y2/x2) P=3*Vph*Er2*sind(-theta3)/Xs Wms=2*%pi*N1/f T=P/Wms If1=Er2*If/Er If2=12 Er3=Er*If2/If P2=-500e+3 d1=asind(P2*Xs/(3*Vph*Er3)) Is=(Vph-Er3*(cosd(d1)+(%i*sind(d1))))/(%i*Xs) Isr=abs(Is) u=imag(Is) v=real(Is) pf=cosd(atand(u/v)) printf('\n\n The Breaking Torque for machine operation at rated current and upf=%0.1f N-m\n\n',T) printf('\n\n The Field Current for machine operation at rated current and upf=%0.1f Amp\n\n',If1) printf('\n\n The Armature Current at 12 A Field Current=%0.1f Amp\n\n',Isr) printf('\n\n The power factor at 12 A Field Current=%0.1f lead\n\n',pf) //The answers vary due to round off error