clc P=500e+3//power of motor in Watts V=6.6e+3//rated voltage in Volts f=60//frequency in Hz n=6//no. of poles Rs=0//resistnce of motor in ohm Xm=78//reactance in ohm Xsr=3//reactance in ohm p=0//pf=1 k=5 //solution Xsr1=3*%i Vph=V/sqrt(3) Is=P/(3*Vph*cosd(p)) E=Vph-(Is*%i*Xsr) E1=abs(E) d=asind((Is*1*Xsr/E1)) Pm=3*Vph*E*sind(d)/Xsr Pm1=abs(Pm)//Power in watt Pm2=Pm1*10^(-3)//Power in Kw Ns=120*f/n N=Ns/k wm=N*2*%pi/60 T=Pm1/wm If1=E/(%i*Xsr) Im=Is+abs(If1) printf('\n\n Power Pm=%0.1f Kw\n\n',Pm2) printf('\n\n Torque T=%0.1f N-m\n\n',T) printf('\n\n The Field Current=%0.1f Amp\n\n',abs(If1)) printf('\n\n The motor Current=%0.1f Amp\n\n',Im) //The answers vary due to round off error