clc //Variable Initialisation V=230//Input Voltage of motor in volts N=1750//Rated Speed of Motor in rpm Ia=74//Armature Current in Ampere Ra=0.180//Armature resistance in ohm Vdc=240//Dc equivalent input to motor in Volts f=500//Chopper Frequency W0=2*f*%pi la=2.93*10^(-3)//Armature inductance in Henry //Solution T=1/f//Period of Chopper I0=Ia W=2*%pi*N/60 Eb=V-(Ia*Ra)//Back EMF in Volts k=Eb/W Ea=Vdc/2//Average Voltage Eb1=Ea-(Ia*Ra) W1=Eb1/k N1=W1*(60/(2*%pi)) ton=T/2 Irms=((sqrt(2)*Vdc)/(%pi*W0*la))*sin(W0*ton/2) Irms1=sqrt((I0^2)+(Irms^2)) k1=Irms/I0 I01=Ia/2//Average Value of Source Current Irms2=sqrt(2)*Ia/%pi k2=Irms2/I01//Source Current Ripple Factor printf('\n\n The Motor Speed=%0.1f rpm\n\n',N1) printf('\n\n The RMS Armature Current=%0.1f Amp\n\n',Irms1) printf('\n\n The RMS and line current ripple factor=%0.1f\n\n',k2)