clc //variable initialization Vm= 220 //armature voltage in volts N= 1000 //speed in rpm N1= 900 // speed in rpm Ia= 60 //armature current in ampere Ra= 0.6 //armature resistance in ohm a= 0 V= 165 //line voltage in volts //solution Eb1= Vm-Ia*Ra //back emf in volts Eb2= (N1/N)*Eb1 //back emf in volts Ea=Eb2+(Ia*Ra) //armature voltage in volts Em= V*sqrt(2) A=(((Ea*%pi)/(3*Em))) a1=acosd(A) a2=180-a1 Ea1=V-(Ia*Ra) //armature voltage in volts cosa1=((Ea/Em)*(%pi/3)) a11=acosd((Ea1*%pi)/(3*Em)) a22=180-a1 printf('\n\n Firing Angle for motoring operations at rated motor torqu and 900 or -900 rpm=%0.1f \n\n',a1) printf('\n\n Firing Angle for motoring operations at rated motor torqu and 900 or -900 rpm=%0.1f \n\n',a2) printf('\n\n Firing Angle for braking operations at rated motor torqu and 900 or -900 rpm=%0.1f \n\n',a11) printf('\n\n Firing Angle for braking operations at rated motor torqu and 900 or -900 rpm=%0.1f \n\n',a22) //The answers vary due to round off error