clc // Variable Initialization Vm=230 //Supply Voltage in Volts N=650//speed of motor in RPM I=100//Motor curent in Ampere Ra=0.08 //Armature circuit resistance in Ohm L=8e-3 //Armature circuit Inductance in mH V=230 //Ac Source voltage in Volts f=50 //source Frequency in Hz a=60 aa=(60*%pi)/180 //in rad/sec a1=120 aa1=(120*%pi)/180 //in rad/sec N2=400 T=1000 //Solution P=atand((2*%pi*f*L)/Ra) // In Degree Cot_P=1/(tand(P)) A=exp(-%pi*Cot_P) B=exp((-aa)*Cot_P) Z=sqrt((Ra^2)+((2*%pi*f*L)^2)) //Impedance In Ohm Eb=Vm-(I*Ra) //back emf in Volts w=(2*%pi*N)/60 //Angular Speed in rad/sec K=Eb/w AA=(Ra*Vm*1.414)/(K*Z) Wmc=AA*((sind(P)*B)-(sind(a-P)*A))*(1/(1-A)) //Critical Speed in rad/Sec Wrpm=(Wmc*60)/(2*%pi) //speed in rpm //motor back emf for critical speed of 148 RPM Ec=(Wrpm*Eb)/N //Critical emf in Volts Va=(V*1.414)*(1+cosd(a))*(1/%pi) //Armature voltage in volts Tc=K*(Va-Ec)*(1/Ra) //Critical Torque in N-m //The check condition is Ia=T/K //Armature current in Amp Eb2=Va-(Ia*Ra) // Back emf in Volts Nm=(Eb2*N)/Eb//Motor speed in Rpm B1=exp((-aa1)*Cot_P) Wmc1=AA*((sind(P)*B1)-(sind(a1-P)*A))*(1/(1-A)) //Critical Speed in rad/Sec Wrpm1=(Wmc1*60)/(2*%pi) //speed in rpm //motor back emf for critical speed of 154 RPM Ec1=(Wrpm1*Eb)/N //Critical emf in Volts Va1=(V*1.414)*(1+cosd(a1))*(1/%pi) //Armature voltage in volts Tc1=K*(Va1-Ec1)*(1/Ra) //Critical Torque in N-m //The check condition is Ia1=-T/K //Armature current in Amp Eb3=Va1-(Ia1*Ra) // Back emf in Volts Nm1=(Eb3*N)/Eb//Motor speed in Rpm //Results printf('\n\n The motor Speed =%0.1f RPM \n\n',Nm) printf('\n\n The motor Speed =%0.1f RPM \n\n',Nm1) //The answers vary due to round off error(1st answer)