//Ex 4.7 page 161 clc; clear; close; R=3;// ohm wL=4;//ohm Vs=230;// V f=50;// Hz fi=atan(wL/R)*180/%pi;//degree printf('\n (i) control range of firing angle = %.2f to pi',fi) Imax=Vs/sqrt(R**2+wL**2);// A printf('\n (ii) max rms load current = %.f A', Imax) Pmax=Imax**2*R;//W printf('\n (iii) max power input to load = %.f W', Pmax) pf_max=Pmax/Vs/Imax;// power factor printf('\n (iv) max power factor = %.1f ', pf_max) Ithrms=Imax/sqrt(2);// A Ithav=Ithrms/1.57;// A printf('\n (v) max rms thyristor current = %.3f A', Ithrms) printf('\n max average thyristor current = %.3f A', Ithav)