//Chapter 21: Antenna Measurements //Example 21-2.2 clc; //Variable Initialization horn_len = 350e-3 //Length of horn (m) ap_wid = 200e-3 //Aperture width (m) ap_hei = 150e-3 //Aperture height (m) del_L = 0.2 //Peak to peak uncertainty (dB) f = 10e9 //Frequency (Hz) c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s) //Calculations wave_lt = c/f //Wavelength (m) r_rnf = wave_lt/(2*%pi) ////Outer boundary of reactive near field (m) r_ff = 2*(ap_wid**2)/wave_lt //Fraunhofer region (m) r2_ff = r_rnf/(10**(del_L/40)-1) //Minimum distance where effect of near field is small (m) r3_ff = 2*horn_len/(10**(del_L/10)-1) //Minimum distance where effect of rotation of AUT is small (m) //Result mprintf( "The Outer boundary of reactive near field is at a distance %.4f m",r_rnf) mprintf( "\nThe Fraunhofer region starts at a distance %.1f m",r_ff) mprintf( "\nThe Minimum distance where effect of near field is small enough is %.2f m",r2_ff) mprintf( "\nThe Minimum distance where effect of rotation of AUT is small enough is %.1f m", r3_ff)