//Chapter 17: Antenna Temperature, Remote Sensing and Radar Cross Section //Example 17-3.1 clc; //Variable Initialization k = 1.38e-23 //Boltzmann's constant (J/K) trans_pow = 5 //Transponder power (W) r = 36000e3 //Distance (m) wave_lt = 7.5e-2 //Wavelength (m) ant_gain = 30 //Antenna gain (dB) earth_ant = 38 //Earth station antenna gain (dB) Tsys = 100 //Earth station receiver system temperature (K) bw = 30e6 //Bandwidth (Hz) //Calculations s_n = wave_lt**2/(16*(%pi**2)*(r**2)*k*Tsys*bw) s_n = 10*log10(s_n) //Signal to Noise ratio (dB) trans_pow_db = 10*log10(trans_pow) //Transponder power (dB) erp = ant_gain + trans_pow_db //Effective radiated power (dB) s_n_downlink = erp + earth_ant + s_n //Signal to Noise ratio downlink(dB) //Result mprintf("The earth station S/N ratio is %.2f dB",s_n_downlink)