//Chapter 15: Antennas for Special Applications //Example 15-2.1 clc; //Variable Initialization frequency = 100e3 //Frequency (Hz) height = 150 //Height of antenna(m) RL = 2 //Loss resistance (ohm) c = 3e8 //Speed of light (m/s) //Calculations wave_lt = c/frequency //Wavelength (m) hp = height/wave_lt //Antenna (physical) height (lambda) he = hp/2 //Effective height (lambda) Rr = 400*(hp**2) //Radiation resistance (ohm) R_E = Rr/(Rr+RL) //Radiation efficiency (unitless) //Results mprintf("The Effective height of the antenna is %.3f lambda", he) mprintf("\nThe Radiation resistance for 150m vertical radiator is %d ohm", Rr) mprintf("\nThe radiation efficiency is %.2f or %.2f percent", R_E,R_E*100)