// Problem 16.8,Page no.371 clc;clear; close; D=1.5 //cm //Diameter of boiler rho=75 //% //Efficiency of joint sigma_t=85 //MPa //stress in tension sigma_s=70 //MPa //stress in shear P=1 //MPa //Steam Pressure //Notification has been changed //Calculation t=P*10**6*D*(2*sigma_t*10**6*rho*10**-2)**-1*100 //Adopt 12 mm thickness of plate t_1=12 //mm d=6*t_1**0.5 //Adopt 21 mm diameter of rivet d_1=21 //mm //P_t=(p-d_1*10**-1)*t*10**-1*10**-4*sigma_t*10**6 //N //Strength of plate in tearing //After substituting values and further simplifying we get //P_t=(p-2.1)*10200 //N P_s=1.875*%pi*4**-1*d_1**2*10**-6*2*sigma_s*10**6 //(p-d_1*10**-1)*10200=P_s p=P_s*10200**-1+d_1*10**-1 //Result printf("Pitch of plate is %.2f",p);printf(" cm")