// Problem 16.4,Page no.368 clc;clear; close; t=18 //mm //thickness of plates sigma_t=100 //MPa //Tensile stress //Notification has been changed sigma_s=70 //MPa //Shearing stress //Notification has been changed //Calculations d=6*t**0.5 //mm //Diameter of rivet //Answer is in correct in textbook s=%pi*4**-1*d**2*10**-6*sigma_s*10**6 //N //Strength of one rivet in single shear //Answer is in correct in textbook //Consider strip of joint equal to %pitch p //S_1=(p-d)*t*10**-3*sigma_t*10**6 //Strength of plate against tearing along 1-1 //After substituting values and further simplifying we get //S_1=1800*p-45900 (Equation 1) //S_2=(p-d)*t*10**-3*sigma_t*10**6+s //Strength of plate against tearing along 1-1 //After substituting values and further simplifying we get //S_1=1800*p-56050.64 (Equation 2) //But the value of Equation 2 is smaller than Equation 1 //Strength of rivets in single shear is S=4*s //Equating Equation 2 to shearing value //1800*p-56050.64=S p=(S+56050.64)*18000**-1 //cm //%pitch of rivet //Result printf("Diameter of rivets is %.2f",d);printf(" mm") printf("\n pitch of rivet is %.2f",p);printf(" cm")