clc // Example // Consider a convergent divergent nozzle with an exit to throat area ratio of 3. // A normal shock wave is inside the divergent portion at a location where the local // area ratio is A/At = 2.0. Calculate the exit to reservoir pressure ratio. // Variable declaration Ae_by_At = 3.0 // ratio of exit to throat area // Calculations // from table A1 for A/At = 2.0 M1 = 2.2 // mach number in front the shock // from table A2 for M1 = 2.2 M2 = 0.5471 // mach number behind the shock po2_by_po1 = 0.6281 // stagnation pressure ratio accross the shock // from table A1 for M2 = 0.5471 A2_by_A2star = 1.27 // A2/A2star At_by_A2 = 1/2.0 // At/A2 Ae_by_A2star = Ae_by_At * At_by_A2 * A2_by_A2star //Ae/A2star = Ae/At * At/A2 * A2/A2star // from table A1 for Ae/A2star = 1.905 Me = 0.32 // exit mach number poe_by_pe = 1.074 // poe/pe // po = po1 and poe = po2 pe_by_po = 1 / poe_by_pe * po2_by_po1 // pe/po = pe/poe * poe/po2 * po2/po1 * po1/po // Results printf("\n Exit to reservoir pressure ratio is %.3f", pe_by_po)