clc // Example // A uniform supersonic stream with M1 = 1.5, p1 = 1700 lb/ft^2, and T1 = 460.0 R // encounters an expansion corner which deflects the stream by and angle theta_2 // = 20 degrees. Calculate M2, p2, T2, po2, To2, and the angles the forward and // rearward Mach lines make with respect to the upstream flow direction. // Variable declaration M1 = 1.5 // upstream mach number p1 = 1700.0 // upstream pressure (in lb/ft^2) T1 = 460.0 // upstream temperature (in R) theta_2 = 20.0 // deflection (in degrees) // Calculations // subscript 2 means after the expansion fan // from Table A5 for M1 = 1.5 v1 = 11.91 // (in degrees) mu1 = 41.81 // (in degrees) v2 = v1 + theta_2 // from Table A5, for v2 = 31.91 M2 = 2.207 // Mach behind the expansion fan mu2 = 26.95 // (in degrees) // from Table A1 for M1 = 1.5 po1_by_p1 = 3.671 // po1/p1 To1_by_T1 = 1.45 // To1/T1 // from Table A1 for M2 = 2.207 po2_by_p2 = 10.81 // po2/p2 To2_by_T2 = 1.974 // To2/T2 p2 = 1/po2_by_p2 * po1_by_p1 * p1 // p2 (in lb/ft^2) = p2/po2 * po2/po1 * po1/p1 * p1 and po2 = po1 T2 = 1/To2_by_T2 * To1_by_T1 * T1 // T2 (in R) = T2/To2 * To2/To1 * To1/T1 * T1 and To2 = To1 angle_forward = mu1 // angle of forward ray (in degrees) angle_rearward = mu2 - theta_2 // angle of backward ray (in degrees) po2 = po1_by_p1 * p1 // po2 (in lb/ft^2) = po1/p1 * p1 To2 = To1_by_T1 * T1 // To2 (in R) = To1/T1 * T1 po1 = po1_by_p1 * p1 // po2 (in lb/ft^2) = po1/p1 * p1 To1 = To1_by_T1 * T1 // To2 (in R) = To1/T1 * T1 // Result printf("\n M2 = %.3f", M2) printf("\n p2 = %.2f lb/ft^2", p2) printf("\n T2 = %.2f deg R", T2) printf("\n po2 = %.2f lb/ft^2", po2) printf("\n To2 = %.2f deg R", To2) printf("\n Angle forward = %.2f degrees", angle_forward) printf("\n Angle rearward = %.2f degrees", angle_rearward)