clc // // //Variable declaration sx=100 // Force(MPa) sy=60 // Force(MPa) CF=20 // Force(MPa) FX=48 // Force(MPa) OC=80 // Force(MPa) CA=52 // Force(MPa) BC=52 // Force(MPa) // Calculation //Construction of Mohr’s Circle R=sqrt(20**2+48**2) // Radius of circle(MPa) //Case(a) Principal Planes and Principal Stresses phyp=(67.4)/2.0 // Angle(degree) Smax=OC+CA // Maximum stress(MPa) Smin=OC-BC // Min stress(MPa) //Case(b) Stress Components on Element Rotated 30 phy=180-60 // Angle(degree) Sxl=80-(52*(cos(52.6*(%pi*2)/(360.0)))) Syl=80+(52*(cos(52.6*(%pi*2)/(360.0)))) txlyl=52*(sin(52.6*(%pi*2)/(360.0))) // Result printf("\n Case(a) Principal planes angle = %0.3f MPa' ,phyp) printf("\n Case(b) Maximum principal stress = %0.3f MPa' ,Smax) printf("\n Case(b) Minimum principal stress = %0.3f MPa' ,Smin) printf("\n Case(c) Stress in x direction = %0.3f MPa' ,Sxl) printf("\n Case(c) Stress in y direction = %0.3f MPa' ,Syl) printf("\n Case(c) Stress in x and y direction = %0.3f MPa' ,txlyl)