clc // // Variable declaration Es=200 // Moduluss of rigidity(GPa) Ew=12.5 // Moduluss of rigidity(GPa) //Transformed Section. n=(Es/Ew) // Ratio //Neutral Axis Y=(((0.160)*(3.2*0.020))/(3.2*0.020+0.470*0.300)) // Distance(m) //Centroidal Moment of Inertia I=(((1/12)*0.470*((0.3**3)))+(0.470*0.3*((0.05**2)))+((1/12)*(3.2)*((0.020**3)))+(3.2*0.020*((0.160-0.050**2)))**5) // Centroidal Moment of Inertia //Maximum Stress in Wood sW=((50*((10**3)))*(0.200))/(2.19*(10**-3)) // Maximum stress in wood(MPa) sW=((sW/((10**6)))**2) // Rounding //Stress in Steel sS=((16)*(50*((10**3)))*(0.120))/(2.19*((10**-3))) // Stress in steel(MPa) sS=((sS/((10**6)))**1) // Rounding // Result printf("\n Maximum stress in the wood = %0.3f MPa' ,sW) printf("\n Stress in steel = %0.3f MPa' ,sS)