clc // //Variable declaration d=9 // Diameter of the rod(in) t=3/4.0 // Thickness of the rod(in) ex=12 // Normal stresses(ksi) ez=20 // Normal stresses(ksi) E=(10*(10**6)) // Moduluus of elasticity(psi) v=(1/3) // Poissons ratio V=15*15*(3/4.0) // Volume(in**3) n=-1 //Calculation STRAINx=(1/((10**7)*(1.0)))*(12-(20/3.0))*(1000) // Strain in x direction(in./in) STRAINy=n*(1/((10**7)*1.0))*((12/3.0)+(20/3.0))*(1000) // Strain in y direction(in./in) STRAINz=(1/((10**7)*(1.0)))*(20-(12/3.0))*(1000) // Strain in z direction(in./in) //Case(a) DELTAba=(STRAINx)*(d) // Change in diameter(in) //Case(b) DELTAcd=(STRAINz)*(d) // Change in diameter(in) //Case(c) DELTAt=(STRAINy)*(t) // Change in thickness(in) //Case(d) e=(STRAINx+STRAINy+STRAINz) // Volume of the plate(in**3) DeltaV=(e*V) // Results printf("\n Change in diamter of rod AB =%1f in' ,DELTAba) printf("\n Change in diamter of rod CD =%1f in' ,DELTAcd) printf("\n Change in thickness =%1f in' ,DELTAt) printf("\n Volume of the plate =%1f in**3' ,DeltaV)