disp("Example 4.12") disp("fck=20MPa","fy=Fe250","Ast=3695mm^2","d=520mm","bw=250mm","Df=100mm","bf=850mm","Given:") bf=850 Df=100 bw=250 d=520 Ast=3695 fy=250 fck=20 Es=2*10^5 xumaxd=0.0035/(0.0055+0.87*(fy/Es)) xumax=xumaxd*d disp("First assuming xuDf, the value is incorrect ") disp("Asxu>Df, the compression in web is given by: Cuw=0.362*fck*bw*xu") Cuw=0.362*fck*bw disp("*xu N",Cuw) disp("Assuming xu>/7/3*Df = 233.3, the commpression in the flange is given by: Cuf=0.447*fck*(bf-bw)*Df") Cuf=0.447*fck*(bf-bw)*Df disp("Cuf=") disp("N",Cuf) disp("Also assuming xu