clc; P=20000; // rated power of induction motor v=400; // rated voltage of motor f=50; // frequency m=3; // number of phases p=4; // number of poles r1=0.2; // stator resistance x=0.45; // stator/rotor leakage reactance xm=18; // magnetising reactance s=0.04; // slip pg=P/(1-s); // air gap power pr=s*pg; // rotor copper loss vp=v/sqrt(3); // per phase voltage ve=(vp*xm)/(x+xm); // Thevenin voltage re=(r1*xm)/(x+xm); // Thevenin resistance xe=(x*xm)/(x+xm); // Thevenin reactance // using Thevenin's theorrm and rotor copper loss expression we get a quadratic equation in r2 (rotor resistance) whose terms are t1=pr/s^2; t2=((2*pr*re)/s)-(m*ve^2); t3=pr*((xe+x)^2+re^2); t=[ t1 t2 t3]; r2=roots(t); disp('case a'); ws=(4*%pi*f)/p; // synchronous speed Tm=(m*ve^2)/(ws*2*(re+sqrt(re^2+(x+xe)^2))); printf('Maximum internal torque is %f Nm\n',Tm); Ti=(m*ve^2*r2(1))/(ws*((re+r2(1))^2+(x+xe)^2)); printf('Initial starting torque is %f Nm\n',Ti); disp('case b'); sm=r2(1)/(sqrt(re^2+(xe+x)^2)); printf('Slip at maximum torque is %f ',sm);