clc; P=33000; // rated power of transformer E1=2200; // primary voltage E2=220; // secondary voltage k=E2/E1; // turn's ratio r1=2.4; //primary winding resistance in ohm x1=6; // primary winding reactance in ohm r2=0.03; //secondary winding resistance in ohm x2=0.07; //secondary winding reactance in ohm r12=r1*k^2; //primary resistance referred to secondary x12=x1*k^2; //primary reactance referred to secondary printf('primary resistance and reactance referred to secondary are %f ohm and %f ohm\n',r12,x12); r21=r2/k^2; //secondary resistance referred to primary x21=x2/k^2; //secondary reactance referred to primary printf('secondary resistance and reactance referred to primary are %f ohm and %f ohm\n',r21,x21); re1=r1+r21; xe1=x1+x21; printf('equivalent resistance and reactance referred to primary are %f ohm and %f ohm\n',re1,xe1); re2=r2+r12; xe2=x2+x12; printf('equivalent resistance and reactance referred to secondary are %f ohm and %f ohm\n',re2,xe2); Ip=P/E1; printf('primary full load current is %f A\n',Ip); Is=P/E2; printf('secondary full load current is %f A\n',Is); O=Ip^2*re1; printf('ohmic losses at full load is %f W\n',O); Ils=160; // secondary side load current Ilp=Ils*k; // primary side load current Ze1=sqrt(re1^2+xe1^2); V=Ilp*Ze1; printf('Voltage applied to h.v side in order to obtain 160A short circuit cirrent in low voltage winding is %f V\n',V); Pi=Ilp^2*re1; printf('power input is %f W',Pi);