clear // // // //Variable declaration h=6.6*10^-34; //planck's constant(J-sec) e=1.6*10^-19; //charge of electron(c) L=10^-1; //width(m) m=10^-2; //mass of electron(kg) n1=1; n2=2; n3=3; //Calculations E=h^2/(8*m*e*L^2); //energy(eV) E1=n1^2*h^2/(8*m*e*L^2); //1st least energy(eV) E2=n2^2*h^2/(8*m*e*L^2); //2nd least energy(eV) E3=n3^2*h^2/(8*m*e*L^2); //3rd least energy(eV) //Result printf("\n 1st least energy is %0.1f *10^-45 eV",E1*10^45) printf("\n 2nd least energy is %0.1f *10^-45 eV",E2*10^45) printf("\n 3rd least energy is %0.1f *10^-45 eV",E3*10^45) printf("\n energy levels are so close to each other that the energy states cannot be observed")