clear// //Variables VCC = 30.0 //Source voltage (in volts) RC = 10.0 //Collector resistance (in kilo-ohm) RE = 8.2 //Emitter resistance (in kilo-ohm) RL = 3.3 //Load resistance (in kilo-ohm) beta = 200.0 //Common emitter current gain VBE = 0.7 //Emitter-to-Base Voltage (in volts) R1 = 47.0 //Resistance (in kilo-ohm) R2 = 15.0 //Resistance (in kilo-ohm) Vs = 5.0 //a.c voltage (in milli-volts) //Calculation Vth = VCC * R2 / (R1 + R2) //Thevenin's voltage (in volts) Rth = R1 * R2 / (R1 + R2) //Thevenin's equivalent voltage (in volts) IE = (Vth - VBE)/(RE + Rth/beta) //Emitter current (in milli-Ampere) r1e = 25.0 / IE //a.c. resistance of emitter diode (in ohm) rL = RC * RL/(RC + RL) //a.c load seen by the amplifier (in kilo-ohm) Av = rL * 10**3 / r1e //Voltage gain vo = Av * Vs //Output voltage (in volts) Ri = beta * r1e * 10**-3 //Input resistance looking directly into the base (in ohm) Ris = Rth * Ri / (Rth + Ri) //input resistance of the stage (in ohm) //Result printf("\n a.c output voltage is %0.2f mV.\nInput impedance for the circuit is %0.0f kilo-ohm.",vo,Ris)