//Fluid Systems - By Shiv Kumar //Chapter 16- Hydraulic Power and Its Transmissions //Example 16.6 //To Calculate the Rise in Pressure due to Valve Closure in (i)10 seconds, (ii)2.5 seconds. clc clear //Given Data:- l=2500; //Lenfth of Pipe, m V=1.2 ; //Velocity of Flow, m/s K=20*10^8; //Bulk Modulus of Water, N/m^2 //Data Used:- rho=1000; //Density of Water, Kg/m^3 //Computations:- a=sqrt(K/rho); //Velocity of Pressure Wave, m/s t_c=2*l /a; //Critical time, s // (i) t=10; // s //t>t_c. so, This is a case of Gradual valve closure. p=rho*l*V/(t*1000); //Pressure Rise, kPa //Result (i) printf("(i)Pressure Rise, p=%.f kPa\n",p) //(ii) t=2.5; // s // t