//Optoelectronics - An Introduction, 2nd Edition by J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes //Example 8.1 //OS=Windows XP sp3 //Scilab version 5.5.2 clc; clear; //given n1=1.5;//Dimensionless refractive index of glass n2=1;//Dimensionless refractive index of air Theta_i=60;//Angle of incidence in degrees Tan_Sai=sqrt(sind(Theta_i)^2-(n2/n1)^2)/(cosd(Theta_i))//Tan of phase shift in incident and reflected ray Sai=atand(Tan_Sai)//phase shift in perpendicular component ofincident and reflected ray in degrees delta=atand((n1/n2)^2*Tan_Sai)//phase shift in parallel component of incident and reflected ray in degrees mprintf("\n phase shift in perpendicular component ofincident and reflected ray in degrees Sai= %f",Sai); mprintf("\n\n phase shift in parallel component of incident and reflected ray in degrees Delta= %f",delta); // the difference in answer is becoause of roundingoff