//Optoelectronics - An Introduction, 2nd Edition by J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes //Example 3.4 //OS=Windows XP sp3 //Scilab version 5.5.2 clc; clear; //given lambda=633e-9;//Wavelength in m Deltaf=5e6;//Frequency bandwidth in Hz L=50e-3;//Length of the modulator in m eta=0.7;//diffraction efficiency lambdaa=4.3e-5;//Acoustic wavelength in m va=3500;//Acoustic velocity in m/s ThetaB=asind(lambda/(2*lambdaa));//Angle of diffraction in degrees mprintf("ThetaB = %.2f degrees",ThetaB); //As eta=(sin(Phi/2))^2, Rearranging the terms we get: Phi=2*asind(sqrt(eta)); mprintf("\n Phi = %.1f degrees",Phi); B=va/Deltaf;//Maximum optical beamwidth in m mprintf("\n B = %.1f mm",B/1e-3);//Division by 10^(-3) to convert into mm