//Optoelectronics - An Introduction, 2nd Edition by J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes //Example 2.1 //OS=Windows XP sp3 //Scilab version 5.5.2 clc; clear; //given - Case(1) NA=6e26;//Avagadro's number rho=8.93e3;//density of copper in SI Units A=63.54;//Atomic mass number of Cu e=1.6e-19;//charge of electrons in C m=9.1e-31;//rest mass of electrons in kg T=2.6e-14;//mean free time between collisions in s n=NA*rho/A;//number of atoms per unit volume in m^(-3) mprintf("n = %.1e m^(-3)",n); SigmaCu=n*(e^2)*T/m;//electrical conductivity of Cu in SI Units mprintf("\n Sigma of Cu = %.1e (Ohm m)^(-1)",SigmaCu);//The answers vary due to round off error //given - Case(2) ni=1.6e16;//number of holes or electrons per unit volume of intrinsic silicon in m^(-3) e=1.6e-19;//charge of electrons in C Muc=0.135;//electron mobility in SI Units Mun=0.048;//hole mobility in SI Units SigmaSi=ni*e*(Muc+Mun);//electrical conductivity of Si in SI Units mprintf("\n Sigma of Si = %.1e (Ohm m)^(-1)",SigmaSi);