//chapter 3 example 5// clc clear //wavelength of single mode fibre=l,attenuation=A,core diameter of fibre=d,laser sourcr bandwidth=BW,threshold optical power for brillouin=Pb,threshold optical power for raman scattering=Pr// d=6;//in micrometer// l=1.3;//in micrometer// A=0.5;//in db per km// BW=0.6//in GHz// Pb=(4.4*(10^-3))*(d^2)*(l^2)*(A*BW)*1000;//in watts// printf("\n threshold optical power for brillouin=%f mW.\n",Pb); Pr=(5.9*(10^-2))*(d^2)*l*A; printf("\n threshold optical power for raman scattering=%f W.\n",Pr);