//Chapter 4, Example 4.1, page 130 clc //Initialisation h=400 //height in Km pd=1*10**8 //plasma density at height D pe=1*10**10 //plasma density at height E pf=3*10**11 //plasma density at height F Wd=20*10**3 //thickness of D We=40*10**3 //thickness of E Wf=190*10**3 //thickness of F //Calculation tecd=Wd*pd //total electron content at D tece=We*pe //total electron content at E tecf=Wf*pf //total electron content at F tec=tecd+tece+tecf tec1=tec*sqrt(2) //total electron content //Results printf("(2) TEC (D) = %.1f x 10^12 el/m^2",(tecd/10**12)) printf("\n TEC (E) = %.1f x 10^14 el/m^2",(tece/10**14)) printf("\n TEC (F) = %.2f x 10^16 el/m^2",(tecf*10**-16)) printf("\n(3) TEC = %.1f x 10^16 el/m^2",(tec1/10**16))