//Example 4_19 clc;funcprot(0); //Given data P_1=36000;// kW P_2=27000;// kW N_1=81.8;// r.p.m H_1=13;// m H_2=11;// m D_1=7.82;// m //Calculation //As the specific speeds are the same,using the definition of specific speed in terms of power, N_2=((N_1*sqrt(P_1)/(H_1^(5/4)))*((H_2^(5/4))/sqrt(P_2)));// rpm // As the unit speeds are same, D_2=(D_1*N_1*sqrt(H_2))/(sqrt(H_1)*N_2);// m // As the unit flow is same,Q=Q_2/Q_1 Q=(D_2^2*H_2^(1/2))/((D_1^2*H_1^(1/2))); // By solving Q, it gives the relation,Q_2=0.886*Q_1; Q_r=(1-Q)*100; printf('\n Speed,N_2=%0.1f rpm \n Diameter,D_2=%0.2f m \n There is a reduction in flow by about %0.2f percentage.',N_2,D_2,Q_r); // The answer vary due to round off error