// Example 34_30 clc;funcprot(0); //Given data // High voltage-Rs.450/kW per year + paise 35/kWh // Low voltage-Rs.470/kW per year + paise 40/kWh CC=1000;// Rs./kW T_l=3/100;// Losses in the transformer N=50;// Working weeks per year P=1;// MW //Calculation Cl=1000;// Consumer load in kW Rr=Cl/(1-T_l);// Required rating of transformer in kW Ct=Cl*Rr;// Cost of transformer to the consumer in rupees ID=(Ct/P)*(10/100);// Annual Interest and depriciation in rupees // P=50*h; Power used during the year in hours // N_l=Cl*P; Number of units consumed from low voltage side in kWh/year // N_h=Rr*P; Number of units consumed from high voltage side in hours function[X]=hours(y) X(1)=((Cl*470)+(((Cl*50*y(1))/P)*(40/100)))-((Rr*450)+(((Rr*50*y(1))/P)*(35/100))+ID); endfunction y=[10]; z=fsolve(y,hours); h=z(1);// The number of working hours per week (hrs/week) printf('\nThe number of working hours per week=%0.2f hrs/week',h); // The answer vary due to round off error