// Example 22_17 clc;funcprot(0); //Given data P=500;// Plant capacity in kW T_1=300;// °C p_4=30;// bar p_5=7;// bar p_6=0.04;// bar dT=5;// The rise in cooling water temperature in °C C_pw=4.2;// kJ/kg.°C // Calculation // From h-s chart: h_4=3000;// kJ/kg h_5=2700;// kJ/kg h_6=1970;// kJ/kg // From steam tables h_f1=121.4;// kJ/kg(at 0.04 bar) h_f2=697;// kJ/kg(at 7 bar) function[X]=mass(y) X(1)=((y(1)*h_5)+((1-y(1))*h_f1))-(1*h_f2); endfunction y=[0.1]; z=fsolve(y,mass); m=z(1);// kg W=(1*(h_4-h_5))+((1-m)*(h_5-h_6));// kJ/kg Q_s=h_4-h_f2;// Heat supplied in kJ/kg n_s=(W/Q_s)*100;// Efficiency in % m_s=(P/W)*3600;//Steam generated per second in kg/hr m_w=((h_6-h_f1)*(m_s/3600)*(1-m))/(C_pw*dT);// kg/sec // If there ie no feed water,then W_1=h_4-h_6;// kJ/kg Q_s=h_4-h_f1;// kJ/kg n=(W_1/Q_s)*100;// Efficiency in % m_s1=(P/W_1)*3600;//Steam generated per second in kg/hr m_w1=((m_s/3600)*(h_6-h_f1))/(C_pw*dT);// The amount of cooling water in kg/sec printf('\n(a)The rankine efficiency=%0.1f percentage \n Steam generation rate of boiler=%0.1f kg/hr \n The amount of cooling water=%0.2f kg/sec \n(b)The rankine efficiency=%0.1f percentage \n Steam generation rate of boiler=%0.1f kg/hr \n The amount of cooling water=%0.2f kg/sec',n_s,m_s,m_w,n,m_s1,m_w1); // The answer vary due to round off error