//Example 5_9 clc;clear;funcprot(0); // Given values rho_hg=848;//The density of mercury in lbm/ft^3 rho_sw=64;//The density of seawater in lbm/ft^3 rho_atm=0.076;//The density of atmosphereic air in lbf/ft^3 H_hg=(30-22);// inch V_a=155;//mph V_a=155*1.4667;// convert mph into ft/s P_air=22;// The hurricane atmospheric pressure at the eye of the storm is in Hg P_atm=30;// in hg g=32.2;// ft/s^2 // Calculation //(a) h_1=((rho_hg/rho_sw)*H_hg)/12; printf('(a)The pressure difference between points 1 and 3 in terms of the seawater column height,h_1=%0.2f ft\n',h_1); //(b) H_air=((V_a^2)/(2*g));//ft rho_air=(P_air/P_atm)*rho_atm;//the density of air in the hurricane in lbm/ft^3 h_dynamic=(rho_air/rho_sw)*H_air;//ft h_2=h_1+h_dynamic;//ft printf('(b)The total storm surge at point 2,h_2=%0.2f ft\n',h_2);