//Harmonic and Powerfactor with the Converter system// //Example 8.9// E2=415;//AC line voltage in volts// Edc=380;//dc terminal voltage in volts// C=1.1*Edc/(1.35*E2); printf('cosine of the triggering angle=C=%f',C); A=acos(C)*180/%pi; printf('\ntriggering angle of the device=A=%fdegrees',A); PF=C*(1+cos(%pi/12))/2;//power factor// printf('\npower factor=PF=%f',PF); Id=200; I2=0.817*Id; RP=sqrt(3)*E2*I2*sqrt(1-PF^2)/1000;//reactive power to be supplied by shunt compensator in KVAR// printf('\nReactive power to be supplied by shuntcompensator=RP=%fKVAR',RP);//end of the program//