//Harmonic and Powerfactor with the Converter system// //Example 8.3// Id=200;//rated dc current in amperes// I2=0.817*Id;//AC line current in amperes// printf('AC line current of the thyristor=I2=%famperes',I2); E2=415;//AC line voltage in volts// Edc=400;//dc terminal voltage in volts// Xt=0.04*E2/I2;//effective reactance of the thyristor in ohms// printf('\neffective reactance of the thyristor=Xt=%fohms',Xt); C=1-((Id*Xt)/(E2*sqrt(3)));//cosine value of the commutational angle// printf('\ncosine value of the commutational angle=C=%f',C); CA=acos(C)*180/%pi; printf('\ncommutation angle=CA=%fdegrees',CA); F=Edc/(1.35*E2*(1+C)/2);//cosine value of the firing angle// printf('\ncosine value of the firing value=F=%f',F); FA=acos(F)*180/%pi; printf('\nfiring angle=FA=%fdegrees',FA); I2=0.817*Id;//AC line current in amps// printf('\nAC line current=I2=%famps',I2); Ied=0.58*Id;//current through each device in amps// printf('\nCurrent through each device=Ied=%famps',Ied); PF=F*(1+C)/2;//power factor// printf('\npower factor=PF=%f',PF); AP=sqrt(3)*E2*I2*PF;//active power drawn from the mains in Watts// printf('\nactive power drawn from the mains=AP=%fWatts',AP); RP=sqrt(3)*E2*I2*sqrt(1-PF^2);//reactive power in VAR// printf('\nReactive power drawn=RP=%fVAR',RP);//end of the program//