//Harmonic and Powerfactor with the Converter system// //Example 8.2// printf('For six pulse converter most effective harmonic is 6th and for worst case a=90 degree\n'); Wv=24.1;//voltage ripple in percentage// printf('voltage ripple=Wv=%fpercent',Wv); Id=200; I6=(5*Id)/100;//Harmonic current for 6th harmonic in amp// printf('\nHarmonic current for 6th harmonic=I6=%famp',I6); Edc=460;//dc voltage in volts// W=2*3.14*50; La=1;//inductance already present in the circuit in milliHenry// L=((Wv*Edc*10)/(I6*6*W))-La;//additional inductance required in milliHenry// L=5.93-1; printf('\nadditional inductance required=L=%fmilliHenry',L);